Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I love Adam Sessler.

As of late, I've been writing an article (I'll try to finish it and get it up tomorrow) about how Ninendo either needs a new franchise or a way to make their old franchises new. That's all I'll talk about that now because anything else will spoil my article.
Adam Sessler has a similar post about not just Nintendo, but Japanese game design in general on his Soapbox videos. On top of that, all of his other Soapbox videos are really strong. The videos let him rant about any game dispute he wants to talk about, and because it's Sessler talking about it, it makes people want to listen to him.
Anyway, Adam Sessler, I love you.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why I love the Escapist

The Escapist has five magazine styled articles every week under one topic. This leads to amazingly broad concepts to be written about. On top of this, the Escapist has some great video features. Anyway, the escapist is up for a Webby and I give it my whole-hearted recommendation.

Friday, April 24, 2009

And now I'm back!

Hello to my minimal viewership!
Sorry I've been gone for a month or so. My grandma went to the hospital and I've had to deal with a new quarter of school. Back to Blogging!

  • Virtual On is coming out Wednesday for 1200 points. ($15)
  • Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 may be coming out for Live and PSN.
  • I'm still looking forward to Arkham Asylum, even though I wont get to play as the Joker.
  • Stephen Totilo will now be working for Kotaku as of next Monday.
  • Next Sunday will possibly have an awesome game sale at Best Buy.
Many other things happened this month, but this is the big stuff that happened this week in gaming in my opinion.