Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Totilian responce.

Earlier today, Stephen Totilo posted a video about the lack of exclusives for Xbox 360 this year. Ultimatley, I agree with him. The list seems a little small, but I'm not sure what's coming out for the PS3 this year. The Wii's lineup is looking great though. What this means to me is that this will be a slower year for gaming--something I'm a little happy about. The last two years have been huge in gaming, and I need the time to catch up.
The lack of exclusives this year also means the start of new productions in 2010. Maybe next year we will see some new IP's. The only new title I played in 2008 was Mirror's Edge and I would love to see a new game with that engine. For now, I'm more than content playing The new Wii titles, while awaiting the collector's edition of Arkham Asylum.

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