Monday, September 28, 2009

Japanese Video Game Industry is Dead?


Keiji Inafune is a name every gamer from the NES generation should know. He is the mind behind the Mega-Man series, as well as many other amazing titles sense then. In the video below during TGS, Inafune talks about how the Japanese game industry is dead. More after the jump.

I'm giving you the link because I couldn't get embedding the video to work.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Final Fantasy 8 turns 10.

I love Final Fantasy VIII. For the last ten years, it has been one of my favorite games of all time. And, as of last week, it has been exactly ten years. To celebrate this occasion, I played The Beatles Rock Band. That's why I'm now writing this article a week after the games anniversary; because The Beatles Rock Band is a lot of fun.
Whenever I'm asked about what my favorite games are, the most consistant answers have always been either The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and FF8. I've played both games countless times and always seem to have fun doing it, but no matter how many times I play either game, I seem to find that there are things I've never found before. In Ocarina of Time, I found a dieing Hyrule soldier in a back alley. I was astounded that I never knew this existed. What was more astounding that this was a magic spell I never knew about in Squaresoft's awesome JRPG.
During the final boss fight, you can draw and cast a spell only obtainable there. I never knew this because My characters are already geared up and fully leveled by then. The spell you can use, is ultimately forgettable that late in the game; but something must be said about what it says about the games design. For that, I thank the good people at Squaresoft for creating a game that keeps surprising me.