Monday, September 28, 2009

Japanese Video Game Industry is Dead?


Keiji Inafune is a name every gamer from the NES generation should know. He is the mind behind the Mega-Man series, as well as many other amazing titles sense then. In the video below during TGS, Inafune talks about how the Japanese game industry is dead. More after the jump.

I'm giving you the link because I couldn't get embedding the video to work.

"Japan is over. We're done. Our game industry is finished."

Aside from Capcom, Japan has no more creative innovations towards the game industry? Really? An odd sentiment considering Final Fantasy XIII and the new game from team Ico are on the way. On the other hand, Inafune has been recently working on the western developed Dead Rising 2. Inafune has also been working in the game industry sense Japan's gaming hey-day when the world craved Nintendo games. Only the future can tell what will happen to the Japanese game industry though. Commenters, predict!

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